Saturday, July 24, 2010

So Sweet

Last week, my fiance got something for me..
Surprise...he said..
Hmm...i wonder what kind of surprise he want to give to me...
Suddenly, i've got an email..

He sending me a picture..
My picture, to be exact..

Here the picture..

How sweet isn't it?
(mean the surprise, not the person in the picture)
Hmm...(with a smiley face)

Okay, i think i want to surprise him too..
Hmm, ape nk bg ek?
3 hari jugak lah i duk pikir...

Finally, i've got an idea..
The nice n sweet one...
Hope he like it...heheh

I brought this "surprise" on Friday..

Want to know what it is?
Hey, it's surprise...Remember..ish..

p/s: Ask him if you really want to know what it is..kikiki

4.07 pm
24th July 2010

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