Friday, August 6, 2010

Best Friend Ever

Hmm...not many people know that I'm a quiet-shy-choosy kind of girl...
And that is why its hard for me to get along with people..
And to find a person that i can called best friend, damn..its hard..
In fact, i've got a bad memory about best friend...Really bad one.
Wish i can "delete" that memory...hmm...
But now, i've got a better one..The best one...

So, I would like to present...
A precious little creature that i called MY VERY BEST FRIEND.
My Darling, Miss Siti Hawa Syamsyiah!!! Yeayy....

We LOVE taking pictures in fitting room!!!!
Tapi yang tak bestnya, asyik i je yang tukang snap...
yg sorang ni tukang senyum je dia tau...huh

Yang ni bukan dalam fitting room ye...tapi dah "terbawak"...
asal tengok cermin je nk posing..
(lokasi terpaksa dirahsiakan, takut mengiabkan pemilik...huhu)

Ni satu lagi perangai...Suka amik gmbar dalam kereta...Sbb lighting selalunya best...
Tak payah tepek bedak banyak2 pun dh smooth je muka jadinya...huhu

Okay, that's all..
Love our memory very much..
Love Awe very much too...
Love her until i die..

10.30 pm
9th August 2010

1 comment:

Hawa Tahir said...

nak menitik air mata bace post ni...touched my heart..deep within my soul,really really really felt appreciated and really really really appreciate it..
i LOVE u very much too..
hingga hujung nyawa...