Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Fashion Pronunciation Guide

Read on to find out the correct way to pronounce some of the biggest designer and brand names in the fashion industry.

Issey Miyake: Eees-Ay Me-Yah-Kee

Bebe: BEE-BEE (I said "Bay-bay" for years. OOPS.)

Ralph Lauren: Ralph LOHR-ren (NOT "Ralph Lo-REN")

Donna Karan: Donna Karen

L'Occitane: Lox-ee-tan

Max Mara: Max Mah-ra
Givenchy: Zhee-VON-shee

Lanvin: Lohn-VAN

Hermes: Air-MEZ

Louboutin: Loo-boo-tahn

Louis Vuitton:  Loo-ee Vu-ee-tó

Chanel: Sha-nell
Dolce n Gabbana: Dole-chay and gab-BON-a

Chopard: shopàr (french don't pronounce the "d" at the end of the word)

Versace: Ver-saw-chee

Lancome: Lan-comb

Pierre Cardin: Pee-air Car-dain

Swarovski: Swore-off-ski

Yves Saint Laurent: Eve-san-Laur-ahnt (for me, this is the hardest one)

If I missed one you've been wondering about, just go to

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